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  • artsandhealthgipps

Find: "Home"

"Home" isn't necessarily what you think. "Home" can be found in other places, with different other souls. Sometimes "Home" isn't where you sleep overnight.

When treatments for healthcare are a priority for various reasons, the degree to which you feel comfort and safety determines sleep satiety, stress-coping, and even efficient physiological healing.

"Home" and the things that create the sensory experience of "Home" are things to consider when entering a primary healthcare environment. As I write this, I remember a Christmas exactly 20 years ago, spent in a healthcare environment and recovering from trauma. Some of the physical 'things' from that place still form part of the vivid memories from that time, 20 years on. I remember a giant Christmas tree, decorated with handmade trinkets made by patients over the years, each bearing the year of their care. Mostly, though, it is memories of other human contact. Most vividly, I remember a Sri Lankan woman, who was also recovering from trauma, who greeted me at 6am every morning with sweetened, freshly brewed tea.

What is "Home"; when your physical body, and its complex mind, are in jeopardy? Seek it, and rest there. Return to it, and exhale.

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